Monday, December 22, 2008

The Advent Season

I have always enjoyed doing special things for the advent season and this year we have discovered a wonderful book. We were given this book as a present from a dear friend last year, and we tried to start reading it but we already had other advent things we were doing so I saved it for this year. This book is incredible and I highly recommend it. You read a portion of the story each day and there is always some verse or question to ponder at the end. Jotham is a fictional boy who lives at the time Christ was born. He meets incredible people along his journey as well as discovering the Messiah! My boys beg me to read more each night (and we do if we have missed some days). We have two days left to read right now (we should have three, but those boys beg for more each night and we are now ahead).

Advent is a blessed time to remember why Christ came but also to anticipate his coming again....are you ready?

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